At MOPSY, we believe that effective transformation goes beyond mere compliance with Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) regulations. It is about creating a sustainable business environment that fosters financial growth and new business opportunities. That is why we have developed a unique value chain strategy that is aimed at redefining B-BBEE compliance for our clients.

Our approach is designed to help companies navigate the complexities of B-BBEE compliance with ease while unlocking new streams of revenue and achieving their scorecard objectives. We believe that investing in a tailored B-BBEE value chain strategy with us can deliver tangible ROI for businesses and maximize stakeholder value.

The value chain strategy enables companies to deliver their B-BBEE objectives through initiatives that are aligned with their broader goals and objectives. Our approach involves the following steps:

Step 1: Mapping the Value Chain

We identify qualifying individuals and businesses that interact within the company’s value chain and determine their needs and opportunities that align with the company’s interests.

Step 2: Identifying Potential Interventions

We list potential interventions that the company could spearhead and ensure alignment to one or more of the seven pillars of B-BBEE.

Step 3: Intervention Prioritization

We prioritize the interventions based on the impact of the intervention, how direct it will be – for the company vs. for the sector, and the complexity of the intervention.

Step 4: Implementing Initiatives

Initiatives are developed around the prioritized interventions, and implementation plans are put together to deliver them within prescribed timeframes.

Our value chain framework offers lines of inquiry to help companies identify potential interventions. 

We consider the following questions when developing our strategy:

  • Who are the value chain participants – is it B2B or B2C or a variation of both?
  • What level of concentration exists within the value chain?
  • What percentage of participants are qualifying businesses and communities?
  • What are the needs and challenges that face value chain participants?
  • What are the barriers facing new entrants?
  • What constraints stand in the way of participant growth, development, and sustainability?
  • Does the company have any products and services that address participant needs and challenges?

We focus on the seven pillars of B-BBEE when developing potential interventions, including preferential procurement, enterprise development, skills development, socio-economic development, ownership, management control, and employment equity. For example, we can help companies improve the ability of new or existing qualifying upstream and sidestream suppliers to deliver their goods and services, identify and provide bursaries and scholarships to high-potential qualifying individuals, or support socioeconomic themes within labour-originating areas and among the local community.

Our unique value chain strategy for B-BBEE compliance is designed to help companies achieve their compliance goals while fostering financial growth and new business opportunities. We pride ourselves on helping companies navigate the complexities of B-BBEE compliance with ease, so they can focus on what matters most – growing their business.

To learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your B-BBEE compliance goals, contact us today.